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7-11 minutes read
By Titus Wormer

Getting started

This article explains how to integrate MDX into your project. It shows how to use MDX with your bundler and JSX runtime of choice. To understand how the MDX format works, we recommend that you start with § What is MDX. See § Using MDX when you’re all set up and ready to use MDX.



MDX relies on JSX, so it’s required that your project supports JSX as well. Any JSX runtime (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) will do. Note that we do compile JSX to JavaScript for you so you don’t have to set that up.

All @mdx-js/* packages are written in modern JavaScript. A Node.js version of 12.20, 14.14, 16.0, or later is required to use them. Our packages are also ESM only, so they have to be imported instead of required.

Quick start


MDX is a language that’s compiled to JavaScript. (We also compile regular markdown to JavaScript.) The easiest way to get started is to use an integration for your bundler if you have one:

  • If you’re using esbuild, install and configure @mdx-js/esbuild
  • If you’re using Rollup (or Vite or WMR, which use it), install and configure @mdx-js/rollup
  • If you’re using webpack (or Create React App (CRA), Next.js, or Vue CLI, which use it), install and configure @mdx-js/loader

You can also use MDX if you’re not using a bundler:

  • If you want to import MDX files in Node.js, you can install and configure @mdx-js/node-loader
  • Otherwise, you can install and use the core compiler @mdx-js/mdx to manually compile MDX files
  • Finally, it’s also possible to evaluate (compile and run) MDX anywhere, with evaluate from @mdx-js/mdx.

For more info on the aforementioned tools, please see their dedicated sections: ¶ Create React App (CRA), ¶ esbuild, ¶ Next.js, ¶ Node.js, ¶ Rollup, ¶ Vite, ¶ Vue CLI, ¶ WMR, ¶ webpack.

There are also community driven integrations. As we’ve just hit a major milestone with v2, they might be out of date with our v2 docs though. See: ¶ Docusaurus, ¶ Gatsby, ¶ Parcel, ¶ Razzle, ¶ React Static, and ¶ Snowpack.


Now you’ve set up an integration or @mdx-js/mdx itself, it’s time to configure your JSX runtime.

Other JSX runtimes are supported by setting options.jsxImportSource. See also the different options there on how to use the classic JSX runtime and how to define a pragma and pragmaFrag for it.

For more info on the aforementioned tools, please see their dedicated sections: ¶ Emotion, ¶ Preact, ¶ React, ¶ Svelte, ¶ Theme UI, or ¶ Vue.


Once everything is set up in your project, you can enhance the experience by adding support for MDX in your editor:

Note: we’re looking for help with emacs and others!


Expand example of typed imports

First install the package:

npm install @types/mdx

…TypeScript should automatically pick it up:

import Post from './post.mdx' // `Post` is now typed.

All our APIs are fully typed with TypeScript.

To enable types for imported .mdx, .md, etcetera files, you should make sure the TypeScript JSX namespace is typed. This is done by installing and using the types of your framework, such as @types/react. Then you can install and use @types/mdx, which adds types to import statements of supported files.


Please note that MDX is a programming language. If you trust your authors, that’s fine. But be extremely careful with user content and don’t let random people from the internet write MDX. If you do, you might want to look into using <iframe>s with sandbox, but security is hard, and that doesn’t seem to be 100%. For Node, vm2 sounds interesting. But you should probably also sandbox the whole OS using Docker or similar, perform rate limiting, and make sure processes can be killed when taking too long.



Expand example
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import mdx from '@mdx-js/esbuild'

  entryPoints: ['index.mdx'],
  outfile: 'output.js',
  format: 'esm',
  plugins: [mdx({/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */})]

We support esbuild. Install and configure the esbuild plugin @mdx-js/esbuild. This plugin has an additional option allowDangerousRemoteMdx. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one you use (React, Preact, Vue, etc.).

If you use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, configure esbuild’s target.

Expand example
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup'
import {babel} from '@rollup/plugin-babel'

export default {
  // …
  plugins: [
    // …
    mdx({/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */})
    // Babel is optional.
      // Also run on what used to be `.mdx` (but is now JS):
      extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.cjs', '.mjs', '.md', '.mdx'],
      // Other options…

We support Rollup. Install and configure the Rollup plugin @mdx-js/rollup. This plugin has additional options include, exclude. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one you use (React, Preact, Vue, etc.)

If you use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, install and configure @rollup/plugin-babel.

See also ¶ Vite and ¶ WMR, if you’re using Rollup through them, for more info.

Expand example
module.exports = {
  module: {
    // …
    rules: [
      // …
        test: /\.mdx?$/,
        use: [
          // `babel-loader` is optional:
          {loader: 'babel-loader', options: {}},
            loader: '@mdx-js/loader',
            /** @type {import('@mdx-js/loader').Options} */
            options: {/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */}

We support webpack. Install and configure the webpack loader @mdx-js/loader. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one you use (React, Preact, Vue, etc.)

If you use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, install and configure babel-loader.

See also ¶ Create React App (CRA), ¶ Next.js, and ¶ Vue CLI, if you’re using webpack through them, for more info.

Build systems


Snowpack has their own plugin to support MDX. See snowpack-plugin-mdx on how to use MDX with Snowpack.

Expand example
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    mdx(/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */)

Vite supports Rollup plugins directly in plugins in your vite.config.js.

Install and configure the Rollup plugin @mdx-js/rollup.

If you use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, configure Vite’s

See also ¶ Rollup, which is used in Vite, and see ¶ Vue, if you’re using that, for more info.

Expand example
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
        .options({plugins: ['@vue/babel-plugin-jsx'], /* Other options… */})
        .options({jsx: true, /* otherOptions… */})

Vue CLI, in the beta for version 5, supports webpack loaders directly in configureWebpack.plugins in vue.config.js.

Install and configure the webpack loader @mdx-js/loader. You have to configure Vue and Babel too.

See also ¶ webpack, which is used in Vue CLI, and see ¶ Vue, which you’re likely using, for more info.

Note: to support ESM in vue.config.js or vue.config.mjs, you currently have to use their v5.0.0-rc. See v5.0.0-beta.0 in their changelog for more info. Their latest beta release is currently v5.0.0-rc.2.

Expand example
import {defineConfig} from 'wmr'
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    mdx({/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */})

WMR supports Rollup plugins directly by adding them to plugins in wmr.config.mjs.

Install and configure the Rollup plugin @mdx-js/rollup.

See also ¶ Rollup, which is used in WMR, and see ¶ Preact, if you’re using that, for more info.


Expand plugin and sample use

This plugin:

import path from 'node:path'
import parser from '@babel/parser'
import estreeToBabel from 'estree-to-babel'
import {compileSync} from '@mdx-js/mdx'

export function babelPluginSyntaxMdx() {
  // Tell Babel to use a different parser.
  return {parserOverride: babelParserWithMdx}

// A Babel parser that parses MDX files with `@mdx-js/mdx` and passes any
// other things through to the normal Babel parser.
function babelParserWithMdx(value, options) {
  if (
    options.sourceFilename &&
  ) {
    // Babel does not support async parsers, unfortunately.
    return compileSync(
      {value, path: options.sourceFilename},
      // Tell `@mdx-js/mdx` to return a Babel tree instead of serialized JS.
      {recmaPlugins: [recmaBabel], /* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */}

  return parser.parse(value, options)

// A “recma” plugin is a unified plugin that runs on the estree (used by
// `@mdx-js/mdx` and much of the JS ecosystem but not Babel).
// This plugin defines `'estree-to-babel'` as the compiler, which means that
// the resulting Babel tree is given back by `compileSync`.
function recmaBabel() {
  Object.assign(this, {Compiler: estreeToBabel})

Can be used like so with the Babel API:

import babel from '@babel/core'
import {babelPluginSyntaxMdx} from './plugin.js'

// Note that a filename must be set for our plugin to know it’s MDX instead of JS.
await babel.transformAsync(file, {filename: 'example.mdx', plugins: [babelPluginSyntaxMdx]})

You should probably use webpack or Rollup instead of Babel directly as that gives the neatest interface. It is possible to use @mdx-js/mdx in Babel and it’s fast, because it skips @mdx-js/mdx serialization and Babel parsing, if Babel is used anyway.

Babel does not support syntax extensions to its parser (it has “syntax” plugins but those in fact turn certain flags on or off). It does support setting a different parser. Which in turn lets us choose whether to use the @mdx-js/mdx or @babel/parser.

Site generators

Create React App (CRA)

Note: rewiring with CRACO (see below) is currently required for CRA 5, due to a bug in react-scripts (facebook/create-react-app#12166), which is also tracked at mdx-js/mdx#1870.

Expand example
# Hello, world!

This is **markdown** with <span style={{color: "red"}}>JSX</span>: MDX!
/* eslint-disable import/no-webpack-loader-syntax */
import Content from '!@mdx-js/loader!./content.mdx'

export default function App() {
  return <Content />

CRA supports webpack loaders through webpack loader syntax in imports.

Install the webpack loader @mdx-js/loader.

Expand CRACO example
const {addAfterLoader, loaderByName} = require('@craco/craco')

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    configure(webpackConfig) {
      addAfterLoader(webpackConfig, loaderByName('babel-loader'), {
        test: /\.mdx?$/,
        loader: require.resolve('@mdx-js/loader')
      return webpackConfig
import Content from './content.mdx'

export default function App() {
  return <Content />

For importing MDX without the !@mdx-js/loader! prefix, you can add the loader to the webpack config, by rewiring react-scripts using CRACO.

Note: warnings about CRACO having incorrect peer dependency "react-scripts@^4.0.0" can be ignored for the above to work.

See also ¶ Webpack, which is used in CRA, and see ¶ React, which you’re likely using, for more info.


Docusaurus supports MDX by default. See MDX and React on their website for more on how to use MDX with Docusaurus.


Gatsby has their own plugin to support MDX. See gatsby-plugin-mdx on how to use MDX with Gatsby.

Expand example
import nextMDX from '@next/mdx'

const withMDX = nextMDX({
  // By default only the .mdx extension is supported.
  extension: /\.mdx?$/,
  options: {/* providerImportSource: …, otherOptions… */}

export default withMDX({
  // Support MDX files as pages:
  pageExtensions: ['md', 'mdx', 'tsx', 'ts', 'jsx', 'js'],

Next.js has its own package to support MDX.

Install and configure @next/mdx. There is no need to configure your JSX runtime as React is already set up.

The MDX provider can be configured in pages/_app.js. In order to use it, you need to configure the providerImportSource as well.

Expand example
import nextMDX from '@next/mdx'

const withMDX = nextMDX({
  // By default only the .mdx extension is supported.
  extension: /\.mdx?$/,
  options: {providerImportSource: '@mdx-js/react',  /* otherOptions… */}

export default withMDX({
  // Support MDX files as pages:
  pageExtensions: ['md', 'mdx', 'tsx', 'ts', 'jsx', 'js'],
import {MDXProvider} from '@mdx-js/react'
import {Header} from '../components/Header.js'

const components = {
  h1: Header

export default function App({Component, pageProps}) {
  return (
    <MDXProvider components={components}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

See Using MDX with Next.js for more details.


Parcel 2 has their own plugin to support MDX. See @parcel/transformer-mdx on how to use MDX with Parcel.


Razzle has their own plugin to support MDX. See razzle-plugin-mdx on how to use MDX with Razzle.

React Static

React Static has their own plugin to support MDX. See react-static-plugin-mdx on how to use MDX with React Static.

JSX runtimes

Expand example
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'

const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: '@emotion/react', /* otherOptions… */}))

Emotion is supported when options.jsxImportSource is set to '@emotion/react'. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/react, which allows for context based component passing.

See also ¶ React, which is used in Emotion, and see ¶ Rollup and ¶ webpack, if you’re using them, for more info.

Expand example
# Hi!
import React from 'react'
import {render, Text} from 'ink'
import Content from './example.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.

const components = {
  h1(props) {
    return React.createElement(Text, {bold: true, ...props})
  p: Text

render(React.createElement(Content, {components}))

Can be used with:

node --experimental-loader=@mdx-js/node-loader example.js

Ink uses the React JSX runtime, so set that up. You will also want to swap HTML elements out for Ink’s components. See § Table of components for what those are and Ink’s documentation on what you can replace them with.

See also ¶ React and ¶ Node.js, which you’re using, for more info.

Expand example
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'

const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'preact', /* otherOptions… */}))

Preact is supported when options.jsxImportSource is set to 'preact'. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/preact, which allows for context based component passing.

See also ¶ esbuild, ¶ Rollup, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.


React is supported right out of the box. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/react, which allows for context based component passing.

See also ¶ esbuild, ¶ Rollup, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.

Experiment: while currently in alpha and not shipping soon, React server components will work with MDX too. There is an experimental demo. And our website is made with them!

Theme UI
Expand example

Example w/o @mdx-js/react

import {base} from '@theme-ui/preset-base'
import {components, ThemeProvider} from 'theme-ui'
import Post from './post.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.

<ThemeProvider theme={base}>
  <Post components={components} />

Example w/ @mdx-js/react

import {base} from '@theme-ui/preset-base'
import {ThemeProvider} from 'theme-ui'
import Post from './post.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.

<ThemeProvider theme={base}>
  <Post />

Theme UI is a React-specific library that requires using context to access its effective components. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/react, which allows for context based component passing.

See also ¶ Emotion, ¶ React, ¶ esbuild, ¶ Rollup, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.

Expand example
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'

const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'svelte-jsx', /* otherOptions… */}))

Svelte is supported when options.jsxImportSource is set to 'svelte-jsx', which is a small package that adds support for the JSX automatic runtime to Svelte.

See also ¶ esbuild, ¶ Rollup, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.

Expand example
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import babel from '@babel/core'

const jsx = String(await compile('# hi', {jsx: true, /* otherOptions… */}))
const js = (await babel.transformAsync(jsx, {plugins: ['@vue/babel-plugin-jsx']})).code

Vue 3 is supported when using their custom Babel JSX transformer (@vue/babel-plugin-jsx) and configuring @mdx-js/mdx, @mdx-js/rollup, or @mdx-js/loader with jsx: true. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/vue, which allows for context based component passing.

See also ¶ Vite and ¶ Vue CLI, which you might be using, for more info.

JavaScript engines


MDX files can be imported in Node by using @mdx-js/node-loader (strongly recommended) or alternatively they can be required with the legacy package @mdx-js/register. See their readmes on how to configure them.

Further reading